Does your scent stink? It almost certainly does. This is because the organic material in the scent has started to rot or decompose. And, deer can surely smell this. No wonder it doesn’t work very well! That’s why we flash freeze our scent immediately after collection. Frozen scent can’t decompose so it stays fresh for a long time.
Other scents attempt to ward off decomposition by adding preservatives. Who are they kidding? Not the deer! You don’t think deer can smell preservatives? Or that preservatives don’t change the scent profile?without any hesitation because we always conscious about our product quality and always maintain it properly, so you can trust and this is our main goal we believe that...
All RAW Frozen Scent products are 100% pure. We add no water, a common trick of other scent brands to make their scent go further. Dilution also changes the profile of scent, which deer can detect.
Working with reproduction veterinarians, we have developed a synchronization process that allows us to bring whitetail deer into heat any time of the year. This means we can collect estrus urine throughout the year so your scent is always fresh!
Research has shown that the estrogen levels of a whitetail doe at peak estrus are over 30 pg/ml. This is what you need to fire up mature bucks. We have an independent lab test every batch of RAW Peak Estrus and certify an estrogen level of 30+!
One reason other scent products don’t work is because they are not what they claim to be. An independent testing lab has found literally no trace of estrogen in the doe estrus scent products of four of the leading brands. Buyer beware!
We tested RAW Frozen Scent vs a leading scent brand by hanging scent loaded wicks side by side and letting several different bucks decide which they preferred. The average amount of time each buck spent at RAW Peak Estrus was 266 seconds versus only 5 seconds for the leading brand. That’s 53.2 times more interest in RAW!
We surveyed 609 hunters that used RAW Frozen Scents and 80% reported they were very satisfied, saying more mature bucks responded, bucks were more aggressive, stayed longer and came in more quickly! And, more does responded as well!
RAW Frozen Scent provides four unique scent products not available anywhere else.
• Peak Estrus – nobody else guarantees 30+ pg/ml estrogen levels
• Multi Buck Urine – combines urine from rutting, dominant and young bucks to set off a dominance frenzy
• Scrape Lure – introduces a new buck and a new doe to fire up scrape use
• Calming Scent – creates calming through the concept of safety in numbers